“If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.”
― Booker T. Washington
"We can all give back to the community. It starts with a kind word. A smile...returning a stranger's grocery cart in a parking lot" Bill said. "Start there and it won't be long before you are delivering meals or volunteering at an assisted living facility."
"While my focus is to personal empowerment, no matter what inspires you, give it away freely."
As a women's self defense instructor, Bill has taught hundreds of women to avoid and escape from predators. "Larry Nadeau's RADS (Rape & Aggression Defense Systems) is the largest, finest women's self defense program in the world. The lives that Larry has saved are incalculable. God Bless Larry and the whole RADS family."
"Steve Daily acquired radKIDS and it is now a stand alone, partner organization. Steve has taken the kids program to a new level. It is not just self defense but a truly amazing child empowerment course." Bill is a radKIDS instructor and as he says "If every child would go through radKIDS, the world would be changed. radKIDS teaches kids that they are important, that the things that happen to them are not their fault. The program truly plants the seed of self reliance and self worth." Bill goes on "Steve Daily not only has saved countless children from horrible fates, but he has given tens of thousands the platform of feeling valued from which they can launch. He is an angel among men."
You might get the idea that Bill is all about personal empowerment and you would be right. In addition to instructing women and children, he has helped hundreds of people, for no charge, fight their property taxes.
"I love it when people stand up for themselves...especially when they win!" And win they do. In 2017 he kept track of the property tax appraisal reductions. "We had over 6 million in reductions. The county didn't send me a "thank you" card...I wonder why?" he said with a grin.
"It doesn't matter what you do...do something. Ask the cashier what their favorite candy bar is and buy it for them. Offer the FedEx driver a bottle of cold water. Anonymously send someone a beer at the next table.
You don't have to get your ass whipped by women that you taught to protect themselves. Get off the bench and into the game. Volunteer at a hospital. Cut the grass of an elderly neighbor. Donate to a good cause
If we all do a little, we can do a lot."