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40 Reasons to go low carb

Writer's picture: William LoebWilliam Loeb

Updated: Oct 11, 2024

It is said that the Carnivore Diet is a "fad." For the sake of discussion, let us ignore the the evolution of man, his traditional diet and our digestive systems. This "fad" was first documented in 1856. Bernard Moncriff, author of The Philosophy of the Stomach: Or, An Exclusively Animal Diet. He spent a year living on only beef and milk and he thrived. Arnaldo Cantani, an Italian doctor, successfully treated diabetics with an all animal diet. This was in the 1870's. Fad? Sure is a long lasting one.

zero fat people

How did we go from a apex predator to grazing animals? Simply put, we were lied to. The FDA faked the food pyramid. Luise Light, Director of Dietary Guidance and Nutrition Education Research chronicles the deception in her book Death By Food Pyramid. "my nutritionist group had placed baked goods made with white flour — including crackers, sweets and other low-nutrient foods laden with sugars and fats — at the peak of the pyramid, recommending that they be eaten sparingly. To our alarm, in the “revised” Food Guide, they were now made part of the Pyramid’s base"

Luise Light was not suggesting keto or carnivore...and the FDA recommendations appalled even her."I vehemently protested that the changes, if followed, could lead to an epidemic of obesity and diabetes — and couldn’t be justified on either health or nutritional grounds." "Over my objections, the Food Guide Pyramid was finalized,  although it only saw the light of day 12 years later, in 1992. Yet it appears my warning has come to pass."

There was alarming research in the 50s that sugar was a huge factor in heart disease. But the sugar industry paid and now, according to many, including Light, Should that shock anyone? After all, the US Government, with the blessing of the American Medical Association, injected unsuspecting black men with syphilis. It should be no surprise that "they would lie about what food is healthy" It is not just a crime against us...we are exporting our unhealthy ways. Wherever the American diet goes, obesity and disease rise. Just look at Mexico after NAFTA. Of course it isn't just carbs and sugar. But that is a huge factor. Look at the ingredients in your food. It is difficult to find anything without sugar added.

But back to the "fad." Keto, Atkins, Carnivore are low or no carbohydrate diets and we know that there are wonderful benefits. From cancer prevention, to weight loss, avoiding migraines, controlling blood sugar, heart health, and dozens of others.

Joe Rogan before - after carnivore diet

Is it right for you? Maybe, maybe not. But one thing is indisputable, as a country, our diets, contain too many carbohydrates and most people should cut down....a LOT!

The University of California at San Fransisco quotes the statistic that Americans eat 66 pounds of sugar every year!

The LA Times reports that Americans eat, on average, 250-300 carbs per day. And, of course, those carbohydrates turn to sugar. Is it any wonder that type 2 diabetes is on the rise?

What is right for you? 50 grams of carbs? 20? None? You own you so there is zero presumption to tell you what to do but I can report my results. Limiting myself to 25 grams of carbohydrates per day and intermittent fasting has made a huge difference in my health. Weight is down to what I weighed in high school, energy is great, apnea vanished and my blood work is near perfect. It's not just me. Do a web search for carnivore or keto success stories. One should always do their own research so here are 40 links so that you can educate yourself.




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